October 6, 2016
The Nieco Advantage: Lower Cost Of Ownership
Reasons Why Owning a Nieco Costs Less Than Other Broilers
If you’re thinking about trading in your flat grill or under fire grill for a broiler, you may be concerned about initial costs to acquire a new unit. While this is understandable, what many Nieco customers find is that those initial costs are generally offset by savings to their operating budget.
Here’s what we mean by that:
Nieco’s new JF series with our patented BroilVection™ technology, requires approximately 40% less energy to run, compared to the energy needed to run a flat grill or an under fire grill. What does that mean in terms of dollars saved? The answer depends on specific variables for your business, but in general, most Nieco customers who make the switch see an annual savings of between $3,000 – $5,000 per year.
In addition to energy cost savings, customers who switch to a new Nieco broiler enjoy lower ongoing maintenance and labor costs. Our improved burner technology results in longer-lasting burners with fewer parts to replace. Our automated belts and programmable controls, produce consistently-cooked product with juicy, charbroiled flavor and color every time, without the need for an employee to monitor or cook the product.
Nieco’s Marlo Wright, Vice President of Strategic Accounts explains:
Annual savings on energy and burner costs, over a period of years, mean that customers who choose a Nieco broiler over flat or under fire grills, ultimately come out ahead on their purchase.